Saturday, November 20, 2010

What is the main theme of the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding?

The main theme throughout the novel Lord of the Flies examines the inherent evil that is present in each individual. Golding explores how humans have a natural affinity for violence and savagery when given the opportunity to interact in an environment without rules and regulations. At the beginning of the novel, the boys attempt to create an organized, democratic society in order to survive and possibly be rescued. As the novel progresses, the social order gradually breaks down as the boys become increasingly brutal. Jack becomes the tyrannical leader of his group of savages and encourages violence and barbarism. Golding uses the "beast" on the island to metaphorically represent the boys' wickedness. Only Simon understands the true nature of the "beast," but is unfortunately murdered when he is mistaken for it. Golding believes that humans are inherently wicked individuals, and that without society's laws, people would resort back to their savage, primitive instincts.

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