Sunday, March 6, 2016

In 1984, how does the Party control the minds of its citizens?

In 1984, the Party controls the minds of its citizens in two ways. The first of these is through propaganda: it controls of the flow and content of information and erases any aspects which portray it in an unfavourable light. We see this in Part One, Chapter Four, for instance, when Winston erases a "pledge" made by the Party stating that the chocolate ration would not be reduced. In its place, he writes that the ration will have to be reduced "sometime in April" in preparation for a forthcoming reduction from "thirty grammes to twenty."

Additionally, the Party uses violence to control the minds of its citizens. This job is carried out by the Thought Police who imprison thought criminals (people who criticise the Party) in the Ministry of Truth. From Winston's experience in Part Three, we see that the Party uses torture and Room 101 to make people believe what it tells them and, ultimately, to "love Big Brother."

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