Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In Monster by Walter Dean Myers, what do the two flashback scenes in which Steve learns of Nesbitt's murder suggest about his emotions at the...

In the first flashback scene, Steve overhears two women speaking about the murder of Aguinaldo Nesbitt. Steve then walks through the crowd of people, and begins to sprint away as the camera pans out. Steve running away from the scene suggests that he feels guilty about his involvement in the crime and is trying to escape from the reality of the situation. In the second flashback scene, Steve is watching the news and listens as the newscaster says that two armed men robbed and killed Aguinaldo Nesbitt. Jerry then picks up the remote and changes the channel. Steve Harmon's mouth is wide open and is in absolute shock after hearing about the tragedy. Two weeks later, Steve watches the news and learns that Richard "Bobo" Evans was arrested for robbery and murder. The camera then cuts to Steve's room, where he is lying on his bed with his eyes open. When he hears a knock on the door, Steve does not even react. Steve's emotions after learning about the crime suggest that he was involved because he is extremely worried and afraid. When Steve overhears the women talking about the crime, he runs away out of fear. After learning that the store owner was murdered during the robbery, Steve is shocked. His emotions reveal his fear and anxiety about being arrested for his involvement in the robbery. Steve's reactions suggest that he was involved and is guilty of participating in the robbery and murder of Aguinaldo Nesbitt.

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