Saturday, July 16, 2016

How should I go about writing an essay on a literary group in British poetry?

One possibility is to write about the Romantics, who included the poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, William Blake, John Keats, and others. The movement is considered to have begun when Wordsworth and Coleridge published Lyrical Ballads, a collection of poems, in 1798. Their focus was on rejecting reason in favor of emotion, and they also focused on the subjective experiences of the individual. Many of their poems, such as those of Wordsworth, concentrated on finding inspiration in nature, in reaction to the growth of cities during Industrialization in England. William Blake's poems, for example, in Songs of Innocence and Experience, contrasted the corruption and dirtiness of London with the purity and innocence of the countryside. Rural areas were seen as an outgrowth of the purity of nature. In addition, Blake (who is also seen as a Pre-Romantic) and several of the other poets celebrated youth as a time of inspiration and innocence, as opposed to the corruption of adulthood. 

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