I definitely recommend choosing a research topic that you are interested in. If a bunch of topics sound equally appealing, choose the one that will be the most beneficial to your readers or the school. Here are ten that I think are particularly interesting.
- Does teacher feedback actually help improve student learning?
- Does homework improve student learning?
- What types of homework are most effective for student learners?
- Does the classroom seating arrangement have any effect on student learning?
- Does the classroom seating arrangement have any effect on classroom management?
- Does listening to music while studying for tests and taking tests improve test scores?
- Does technology improve student learning?
- Do male students perform better in math and science related courses than female students perform?
- Athletes technically have fewer hours to work on schoolwork; therefore, their grades and completion rates should be lower than students who do not participate in sports. Is this true or is the opposite true?
- What type of learner are most students? Visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners? Do teachers effectively balance all three teaching and learning styles?
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