Thursday, April 9, 2015

How are the characters affected by the outcome of Tom Robinson's trial in lee's To Kill a Mockingbird?

The outcome of the Tom Robinson trial drastically affects various members of Maycomb's community. Jem, Scout, and Dill lose their childhood innocence after witnessing racial injustice firsthand. Jem becomes jaded with his prejudiced community members, Dill is extremely upset at the treatment of Tom, and Scout gains perspective regarding the duality of human nature. Scout's tolerant attitude towards her community and awareness of the prominent racial prejudice throughout Maycomb influence her to protect innocent individuals. Atticus is upset at the verdict but understands that significant steps were made towards racial equality. Bob Ewell was exposed as a liar and abusive father throughout the trial. Even though Tom was found guilty, Bob Ewell seeks to avenge Atticus for "ruining" his reputation. Following the guilty verdict, Tom Robinson loses hope and does not try to appeal the sentence. Tom eventually attempts to escape from prison and is shot to death. Helen Robinson is forced to provide for her children, and Bob Ewell tries to intimidate her while she walks to work. Aunt Alexandra also shows empathy for her brother following the trial and becomes more understanding of Atticus.

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