Wednesday, March 25, 2015

`y = ln((1 + e^x)/(1 - e^x))` Find the derivative.

Find the derivative of `y=ln((1+e^x)/(1-e^x)) ` :

Use a property of the natural logarithm to rewrite as:

`y=ln(1+e^x)-ln(1-e^x) `

If u is a differentiable function of x, then ` d/(dx)ln(u)=(du)/u ` so


Subtracting the fractions we get:

`(dy)/(dx)=(e^x(1-e^x)-(-e^x)(1+e^x))/((1+e^x)(1-e^x)) `

Clearing the parantheses and adding like terms we get:

`(dy)/(dx)=(2e^x)/(1-e^(2x)) `

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