Sunday, November 2, 2014

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, what do the children learn about themselves?

Both Jem and Scout learn that it is more emotionally satisfying to help others by standing up for what they believe in, rather than conforming to society. Their father was the perfect role model, and he taught them to abide by their own conscience throughout the novel. Scout learns that it is better to look at situations from various points of view and solve problems with her mind instead of with her fists. She also learns that her preconceived opinions of others are often wrong and realizes the harmful effects of believing many of the rumors she hears. Jem learns that his childhood view of Maycomb did not take into account the community's ugly racial prejudice. He also learns that in order to live with his own conscience he must make an effort to protect innocent individuals like his father did. In doing so, Jem learns that his positive actions result in feelings of satisfaction and contentment.

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