Monday, February 25, 2013

What is the relationship between God and man in "The Pulley" by George Herbert?

“The Pulley” is a creation poem written by George Hebert. In this poem, God is benevolent to man by bestowing the contents of his “glass of blessings” upon humankind. God made man strong, beautiful, filled with “wisdom” and “honor.” He also allowed man to experience “pleasure.”

So strength first made a way;

Then beauty flowed, then wisdom, honour, pleasure.

When almost all was out, God made a stay

Yet, as God took stock of his creation, he held back one attribute so man would be tied to him eternally. God withheld “rest” so man would have to turn to him to find peace. The poet expresses God’s fear man would find solace in nature instead of seeking him.

Therefore, God was generous to man, but he ensured man would seek him out for eternal rest. He accounted for the push and pull life causes in mankind’s belief in God.

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