Thursday, October 18, 2012

Describe the character traits of Okonkwo, Nwoye, Obierika.

Okonkwo is an insensitive, powerful individual who is attracted to violence. He is also a proud man who values titles and prestige throughout his tribe. Despite Okonkwo's achievements, he is ignorant and continually loses his temper. Okonkwo's anger stems from his insecurity. Okonkwo fears becoming like his father and deliberately represses his emotions in order to appear masculine. Okonkwo thrives off of emotion and struggles to communicate with others. His quick temper and stubbornness result in his downfall.

Nwoye is Okonkwo’s naive son. Throughout the novel, Nwoye does not understand Umuofia's culture and is confused about the fate of the twins and death of Ikemefuna. He is also sensitive and does not share Okonkwo's affinity for violence. Unlike Okonkwo, Nwoye is sympathetic and gentle. Nwoye eventually decides to join the Christian church in order to find a peaceful, structured life.

Obierika is Okonkwo's trustworthy, reasonable friend. Unlike Okonkwo, Obierika is thoughtful and intelligent. He is also compassionate and selfless. He tries his best to help his family, Okonkwo, and his tribe throughout the novel. Obierika gives Okonkwo advice and shares his wisdom, but Okonkwo rarely listens to him.

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