Monday, December 26, 2011

Why do most people like Jean Passepartout in Around the World in Eighty Days?

Jean Passepartout is a very versatile and fun character. When he introduces himself to Phileas Fogg, he says, "I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another" (page 5). Passepartout has been a singer, a circus performer, a gymnastics teacher, and a firefighter, among other professions. Passepartout is described as "an honest fellow...soft-mannered and serviceable, with a good, round head, such as one likes to see on the shoulders of a friend" (page 6). He is honorable and friendly, and even though he wants to retire to a quiet life with Fogg, when Fogg asks him to pack his bags en route to a voyage around the world, Passepartout gamely agrees. In the end, it is Passepartout who reminds Fogg that he, Fogg, forgot about the time difference so that Fogg has won the bet and has completed his voyage in time. Passepartout is unfailingly loyal and devoted to Fogg; these are winning qualities that cause the reader to like him. 

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