Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Who was Gulliver's worst enemy in Lilliput?

For reasons unclear, Skyris Bolgolam (the High Admiral) becomes Gulliver's "mortal Enemy" almost as soon as Gulliver arrives in Lilliput.  Bolgolam's hatred of Gulliver increases after Gulliver's success against Blefuscu because it made Bolgolam look bad -- Gulliver was able to defeat the Blefuscudian fleet when Bolgolam could not.  Therefore, Bolgolam -- working with Flimnap, the High Treasurer -- accuses Gulliver of treason against the emperor of Lilliput and has prepared several articles for impeachment against him (according to a friendly informant who alerts Gulliver to the danger he is in).  Further, Bolgolam insists that Gulliver is a Big-Endian at heart, and the current administration is Little-Endian.  Bolgolam insists that Gulliver "be put to the most painful and ignominious Death," and wants to set fire to Gulliver's house at night, with an army outside, waiting to shoot him with poisoned arrows in case he should escape the conflagration.  The emperor will not allow Gulliver to be killed in such a manner, though he decides to starve the man-mountain instead.  Thus, Skyris Bolgolam is Gulliver's worst enemy, as he convinces the emperor that Gulliver is no friend to the state and deserves to die.

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