Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who was the architect of America's invasion of Normandy?

The chief architect of the Allied invasion was General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in the European theater. Eisenhower had commanded the American forces that achieved numerous victories in North Africa and Italy, and he was given responsibility for commanding the Allied forces largely due to his organizational abilities and considerable political skills (an important consideration given the presence of American and British generals). The war created an opportunity for Eisenhower, who had not been a particularly distinguished soldier before, to rise through the ranks, and he proved equal to the task of organizing, planning, and supervising the invasion. After the invasion, he led the Allied troops to V-E Day in May of 1945. The success of the invasion, and the ultimate Allied victory, was the major catalyst that swept Eisenhower, a Republican, into the White House in the election of 1952. 

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