Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why does the ghost feel humbled?

In this comic reversal on the classic ghost story, this ghost feels humbled because he is unable to frighten the Otis family. Although he tries everything in his arsenal of "ghost haunting an ancestral English home" tricks, he scares nobody. The practical, down-to-earth American Otises refuse to see him as anything but a nuisance who puts bloodstains on their library floor and clanks around in old armor. The Otis twins, young boys, rather than fearing him, enjoy playing practical jokes on him and tormenting him. The parents use a modern stain remover to rub out his blood. The ghost, who takes his job seriously, is in despair. Finally, he is humbled in a more profound way by the willingness of the compassionate young Otis daughter to pray for him and help him to go to his final rest. 

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