Sunday, July 25, 2010

What is the most memorable event in Dreams from My Father?

The most memorable event of Barack Obama’s early life must have been the month he was able to spend with his birth father, Dr. Barack Obama of Kenya. He provides some of the details of this time – as much as he can recall -- in the last nine pages of Chapter Three. He refers to this month often again throughout the book. The weeks turned out to be the only in-person contact he would ever have with Dr. Obama. He didn’t know the man and he wasn’t sure how to interact with him. But he watched his every move: his charismatic way of speaking; the way he talked about Kenyan life to young Barack’s elementary school classmates; even the way he applauded at a jazz concert. Later the future President would piece together descriptions and stories added from his siblings and other relatives in order to create a more complete image of his father. He grew to understand what his father’s dreams and aspirations had been, once upon a time.  

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