Friday, December 25, 2009

In Chapter 3 of Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, what does the reader learn about the Ewell family?

In Chapter 3, Burris Ewell openly disrespects Miss Caroline when she asks him to go home and wash up. One of Scout's classmates informs Miss Caroline that the Ewells only come to school on the first day to appease their truancy officer. After Miss Caroline threatens to call the principal, Burris verbally insults her by calling her a "snot-nosed slut of a schoolteacher" (Lee 18). That night, Scout describes to her father her rough first day of school. Scout tells Atticus that she doesn't have to go to school because Burris Ewell only has to attend the first day of class. Atticus then explains the Ewell's family history to his daughter. Atticus tells Scout that the Ewells have been the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations. Scout learns that the entire Ewell family lives like animals and Bob Ewell is a notorious alcoholic who spends all of his money on whiskey. The community also allows the Ewells certain privileges, like trapping and hunting out of season so that Bob's children don't starve.

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