Wednesday, September 28, 2016

In Chapter I of The Great Gatsby, what gossip about Nick does Daisy mention? Is it true?

In Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, as Nick is leaving Tom and Daisy Buchanan's house after their "reunion," Daisy stops Nick as he is starting his car to drive away, and asks him about a rumor she and Tom had heard, that Nick was "'engaged to a girl out West'" (Fitzgerald 24). Nick somewhat jokingly denies it, but Daisy persists, saying she had had confirmation from three different people.  Nick shares with the reader that there had been a "someone," but no relationship rising to the level of an engagement.  And he also shares that he had fled east because the rumors interfered with the relationship, an "old friend" (25), he says, whom he has no intention of marrying. Nick is apparently looking forward to sowing some wild oats in the east, and we see in the first chapter that Jordan Baker has caught his eye.  But he says nothing of the underlying truth of the rumors to either Daisy or to Tom. 

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