Saturday, June 4, 2016

What social trends does Ray Bradbury observe and see as potential problems for society?

Based on Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury observes the increasing power of government is a societal problem. The government in the book cracks down on any dissent, or disagreement, and tries to prevent people from thinking about what their leaders are doing by encouraging people to immerse themselves in constant mindless entertainment, such as watching TV on all their walls. The government also bans books because reading might make people think. Bradbury identifies the mindlessness of modern society as a problem that can cause people to submit to dictatorial governments. In the society in Fahrenheit 451, firefighters burn books to ensure no one reads. It's a society in which everyone must conform to mindless activities or be killed summarily. People like Clarisse who are non-conformists are quickly eliminated. In the end, this society self-destructs when atomic bombs are dropped on it, and Bradbury suggests a new and more aware society might take its place. 

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