There are many different tick-borne diseases in the United States. These diseases' geographical ranges vary based on the ranges of the particular species of tick that carries them.
Lyme disease is carried by blacklegged ticks and is most prevalent in the northeastern United States, but can be found in north-central and mid-Atlantic states. Two other diseases are caused by parasites that prey on blacklegged ticks: human granulocytic anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
The lone star tick, most common in southeastern and south-central states, carries ehrlichiosis.
Three types of tick carry varieties of spotted fever: the American dog tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick, and brown dog tick. These three together affect most states in the US.
Diseases of the blood are transmitted easily by insects because, when the insects feed on human or animal blood, they become infected with the disease and then transmit it to other animals or people they bite. These sorts of vector diseases are easily spread because they can be transmitted rapidly over a wide area and do not require close contact between human hosts. Also, while people can be quarantined for diseases that spread by other methods, insects reproduce quickly and are difficult to eradicate.
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