In exchange for teaching Attean how to read, Matt learns some important survival skills from his Indian counterpart.
The first thing Attean teaches Matt is how to hunt rabbits. In Chapter 9, Attean shows Matt how to fashion a snare from trimmed saplings, a sturdy branch, and the roots of a black spruce tree.
In Chapter 10, Attean shows Matt how to carve a fish hook from a maple sapling twig. He uses his sharp knife to carve a piece as long as his little finger, makes a groove in the middle of the small stem, and sharpens both ends of the stem. With this hook, Matt discovers that he can use two worms to land a bigger catch. Also, armed with the knowledge to make new hooks whenever he pleases, Matt discovers that he will never have to worry about losing hooks again.
When Attean makes a fire to cook the fishes, Matt again learns something new. Attean uses a regular stone that has bits of quartz embedded in it to strike against his knife; in this way, Attean is able to kindle a spark for the fire. Until now, Matt had not realized that he could use "a common stone as well as his flint" to begin a fire. As for roasting the fish over the fire, Attean shows Matt how to use green branches to fashion make-shift spits for the fish.
In Chapter 11, Matt learns how to leave "secret signs" or "markers" so that he will never get lost in the forest. To demonstrate, Attean sometimes breaks off branches on a path, sets stones in prominent places, or dangles tufts of grass in tree branches as he travels through the forest. Later, Attean cuts off two pieces of dried sap from a spruce tree and presents one to Matt as a snack. Although initially skeptical about the taste of the dried sap, Matt soon comes to discover that the aftertaste is actually quite pleasant. So, from Attean, Matt also learns what he can use for food in the forest.
In Chapter 12, Matt learns how to fashion a bow from ash branches. From Attean, he learns how to use a stone to carefully form the curve of the bow, how to use bear fat to make the bow glisten, and how to use spruce roots to make the bowstring. Later, he also learns how to use birch wood to fashion the arrows.
In Chapter 13, Attean teaches Matt how to use plants from the forest to make a particular dish tastier and more nourishing. He also shows Matt how to fashion a makeshift rain cape from a strip of birch bark. More importantly, Matt learns which plants he must avoid in order stay alive.
In all these chapters, Matt learns many skills from Attean: he learns how to hunt and fish, how to pick the best plants for food, and how to fashion hunting implements.
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