Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Why isn't Salerio present in the Act III, Scene iii of The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare? Where is he?

In Act 3, Scene 3, Shylock stands in his doorway alongside Antonio, Solanio, and a Jailer. Antonio tries his best to reason with Shylock, but Shylock refuses to listen to him. Shylock insists that he will have his bond, and Solanio comments that he is an obstinate dog. Antonio then mentions that he only wishes that Bassanio will come see him pay his debt before leaving with the Jailer. The reason Salerio is not present in the Act 3, Scene 3 is because he traveled to Belmont to give Bassanio a letter from Antonio. In Act 3, Scene 2, Salerio arrives at Belmont with the terrible news that Antonio has lost all of his merchant ships at sea and Shylock plans to collect Antonio's flesh. Bassanio becomes extremely upset and explains the situation to Portia before leaving for Venice. During Act 3, Scene 3, Salerio is traveling with Bassanio to return to Venice before Antonio is forced to pay his bond.

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