Monday, November 11, 2013

What is Flaco's home in Miami like after he loses his job?

Flaco had moved to Miami from Puerto Rico when he was a child. None of his family members knew English when they came. Flaco didn’t do well in school, so he quit in order to work in a restaurant. Years later, he married a woman Constancia. They had a daughter, but she died of a health problem when she was quite young. Then they had a son, Raul. Flaco felt the need to provide for his family, but he lost his restaurant job. Constancia started taking care of other people’s children to bring in money. Additional relatives on both sides of the family moved into the house, too. They had to be taken care of. The place was crowded and noisy and busy, and Flaco was stressed out from the whole situation. That’s when he drove across Florida to get some peace and quiet. He ended up in Tampa, where he saw Brent’s marching band whirligig. He thought about how people in groups could get along, if they could only cooperate with one another. The idea made him feel a bit better. Later, after he went back to Miami, he landed a job operating street sweeping equipment. The job allowed him time to get away from the busy household and to also earn enough money to support his extended family.

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