Friday, May 31, 2013

How do you create games for Android?

To create Android applications, which include games, it is important to have some computer programming knowledge. The best place to start for beginners is learning Java or Action script. However, computer programming languages are not the only skills required in successful game development. Scripting and graphic design are also necessary skills for successful application development in Android and all other platforms.

Free softwares are available for Android games development. Eclipse is one of the free popular integrated development environments (IDE). The IDE comes prepackaged with the Java software development kit (SDK), which is extended by installing the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT). Using the ADT, developers can create Android games by coding the game’s actions and attaching the required graphics. The final project is saved with a .apk file extension, which is compatible with the Android framework. Note: (This is what I have used as a developer. The Eclipse IDE was replaced by Android Studio, which does the same thing).

There are softwares (Gamesalad and Appsgeyser among others) that provide drag and drop (no coding required) capabilities for Android development. However, their capabilities are limited and cannot measure up to hard-coded apps and games.

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