Saturday, March 30, 2013

What is true of risk-takers?

Risk-taking behavior is closely linked with "sensation seeking." Most risk-takers seek new experiences, are easily bored, and tend to enjoy intense experiences that push physical, social, or personal limits. Some risk-taking behavior is physical, such as extreme sports, while other types of risk-taking can involve drinking, gambling, using drugs, engaging in unsafe sexual practices, and committing crimes. 

Risk-taking tends to peak in a person's teens and twenties and decline as people get older. A higher proportion of males than females display extreme risk-taking traits. Many risk-taking behaviors tend to be present in the same person, with alcohol, drugs, unsafe sexual practices, and driving accidents all correlating strongly with a similar demographic. 

Risk-takers tend to demonstrate high impulsiveness, a low ability to tolerate boredom, and a desire for new, intense sensations. They tend to be more aggressive and more sociable than the general population. 

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