Thursday, November 8, 2012

What were Stalin's aims in blockading Berlin? And to what extent was he successful in achieving these aims?

Stalin's goal in blockading Berlin was to drive out the Western powers, primarily the U.S.  Ever since the end of WWII in Europe, Stalin wanted a weak German state, and he appropriated Eastern German workers and factories in order to rebuild the Soviet Union--he justified this because the Soviet Union lost so much during WWII.  The U.S., on the other hand, instituted the Marshall Plan in order to rebuild the Western half of Berlin (and Germany) so that the nation would once again become a major European producer of goods and another Hitler might not rise to power by feeding on people's postwar anger.  Stalin was not successful in his bid to blockade all of Berlin.  America airlifted supplies to the Berliners and American currency flowed into Eastern Germany and to some extent Eastern Europe as well.  This early flashpoint of the Cold War ended as a victory for the Americans as it demonstrated that America would stand up to Soviet aggression without resorting to making war.  

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