Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Related to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, do you believe that if Hester was a man, she would have been treated/punished differently?

It might be said that the entire thesis of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter has to do with condemnation of the so-called double standard by which men and women were judged in his day. Both Arthur Dimmesdale and Hester Pyrnne are equally guilty of adultery, but Hester has to bear the disgrace and punishment all alone. However, it should be pointed out that, although women were not empowered to impose punishment, they are represented as being far more vindictive towards Hester than any of the men. Here are a couple of examples of women's feelings about adultery:

“At the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynne's forehead. Madame Hester would have winced at that, I warrant me."

“This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die. Is there no law for it?"

In the long run it is Dimmesdale who is punished more severely than Hester, because he dies as a result of his sin, whereas Hester, the stronger of the two, endures and survives.

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