Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How can I write balanced chemical equations to represent how specific nutrients are broken down by enzymes and the subsequent products formed?...

The equation you showed is the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (`H_(2)O_(2)`) by the enzyme catalase into water (`H_(2)O`) and oxygen (`O_(2)` ). You just need to balance the equation by having the same number of atoms per element on both sides.

`2H_(2)O_(2)`   ------(Catalase)-----> `2H_(2)O`    +    `O_(2)`

* catalase should be above the yield arrow

There's also break down of glucose (`C_(6)H_(12)O_(6)` ) into water (`H_(2)O` ) and carbon dioxide (`CO_(2)` ) during the process of aerobic respiration.

`C_(6)H_(12)O_(6)`  + `6O_(2)`   ------------> `6H_(2)O`  + `6CO_(2)`   + energy

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