Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can you give me a brief summary of this article? I'm having trouble understanding the article

The article gives an overview of WWII from an American point of view.  Your third image is the beginning of the war, and it refers to Germany and Japan's early conquests.  The second image describes how America was the "arsenal" for democracy and at the bottom of the page, you see how America joined the war with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  Finally, the last page refers to the end of the war in both the European and Pacific Theaters of the war, and America's role in shaping the postwar world.  The article does not go into great detail on strategies or even major battles, but it is a quick read as to the progress and outcome of the war.  In terms of possible test questions, I would make sure that I was aware of the items in the bold blue print and how they relate to each other.  

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